Monday, April 21, 2008

Final Project Idea

Well so far I know I'd like to do a webcomic for my final project but the problem is I'm not certain what I'll be writing for said comic? I'm tempted to actually make a webcomic rendition of my group's project and go a little beyond a simple linear reading of the project's intended script. Basically I was wondering how feasible it would be for me to draft a "choose your own adventure" format using what would typically be the 'next', 'previous', and 'latest' page links. I'd have to limit some of the options from the original text but certain elements I think would be easily translatable. I figure I'll have a simple linear story arch as a back-up just in case figuring out the technical stuff becomes overly complex. But ideally I'd like to present some of the fun choices in the webcomic that my group intended from the text-game we attempted. Either way it ought to be interesting (I hope).

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